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Adding And Removing Data

Note that, if you plan on calling append() or insert() a number of times on a given string, consider calling setTimeEfficient(true) or resize(new_expected_size + 1) on the string. This will reduce buffer reallocations.


inline void append(const char* cstr);
inline void append(const Str& str);

The append() function will add the given substring to the end of the current string. It is slightly faster to use the append(const Str& str) form of append over the append(const char* cstr) form because the second form needs to call strlen(cstr) before the copy operation to determine if the current string buffer is large enough. The append() function operates with $O(n)$ efficiency.

Str x = "Hello";
Str y = "There";
x.append(" "); // x = "Hello ";
x.append(y);   // x = "Hello There";


inline void insert(const char* cstr, unsigned long idx);
inline void insert(const Str& str, unsigned long idx);

The insert() function will insert the given substring into the current string. This function is $O(n)$ efficient. If you pass an idx greater to or equal to the string's length, insert will emulate the append function.

Str x = "There";
Str y = "Hello";
x.insert(y,0);    // x = "HelloThere";
x.insert(" ", 5); // x = "Hello There";

insert() operates with $O(n)$ efficiency.


inline void replaceRange(unsigned long start_idx, 
                         unsigned long end_idx, const char* cstr);
inline void replaceRange(unsigned long start_idx, 
                         unsigned long end_idx, const Str& str);

The replaceRange function is the "Swiss Army Knife" of string manipulation functions in that it can insert substrings, delete substrings, append substrings, or perform combinations of the two in one command. replaceRange() replaces the given range, non inclusive, with the given string. Here are some examples of replaceRange() used in different roles:

    Str x = "I really like pizza";

    // Insert example
    Str y = x;
    y.replaceRange(1, 1, " really");  // y = I really really like pizza

    // Delete example
    y = x;
    y.replaceRange(1, 8, "");         // y = I like pizza

    // Append Example
    y = x;
    unsigned long ln = y.length();
    y.replaceRange(ln, ln, "!");      // y = I really like pizza!

    // Replace Example
    y = x;
    y.replaceRange(9, 13, "love");    // y = I love pizza

If the string grows beyond the current string's buffer size as a result of calling replaceRange, the buffer will automatically be reallocated.

A question you may have at this point is: If replaceRange() can emulate insert() and append(), why even have an insert() and append()? This is a good question that I thought about for a while. In the end, I prefer to have insert() and append() because they map well from libraries, work in a more intuitive way, and execute slightly more efficiently than replaceRange does.

Note that there is also a string-search-based replace function that you may want to use instead of this one.

The replaceRange() function operates with $O(n)$ efficiency.

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